Titanium Software
Welcome to the Titanium Software official website. This website provides operating system utilities for macOS.
They are free and fully usable, and no registration is necessary. You may download, copy, and distribute them at no charge; however, you may not modify the software for distribution. You can use them for as long a time as you want to do so.
Since 2003, I have spent a lot of time developing these applications so that all Mac users can freely use them.
If you want to help me, you can donate.

OnyX is the main application. The Maintenance, Deeper, and CalHash applications are parts of OnyX.
Thus, if you use OnyX, the Maintenance, Deeper, and CalHash applications are redundant!
• OnyX is a multifunction utility for macOS that you can use to verify the startup disk and the structure of its system files, perform cleaning and computer maintenance tasks, configure some hidden parameters of many Apple applications, and more.
Learn about OnyX >
• Maintenance is an operating system maintenance and cleaning utility for macOS that you can use to perform miscellaneous computer maintenance tasks: rebuild the databases; delete application, font, and system caches; and more.
Learn about Maintenance >
• Deeper is a personalization utility for macOS that you can use to turn on or turn off the hidden functions of the Finder, Dock, Safari, Music, login window, and many Apple applications, and more.
Learn about Deeper >
• CalHash is a utility that you can use to calculate and compare a file's checksum (also known as a message digest).
Learn about CalHash >
• Access Menu is a customizable utility for macOS that you can use to quickly access the startup disk's folders from the menu bar.
Learn about Access Menu >
Read the software license agreement carefully before using the applications.
These reliable applications provide a clean interface for many tasks that would otherwise require typing complex commands using a command–line interface.
Titanium Software has signed all the applications, and Apple has notarized them. They are fully compatible with both the light and the dark appearance.
They are available in many languages, and Titanium Software regularly updates them (about once a month).
Do you want to translate OnyX into your language, finish an incomplete translation, or suggest some corrections? Have you encountered a problem, anomaly, or misspelling? Do you have suggestions for enhancements to a Titanium Software application? Contact me!
The utilities available on this website do not contain adware, spyware, or any other malware and do not install any background processes.
Always update your operating system and the applications found here. There is a specific version of the applications for each major operating system version.
Use the correct version, and don't try to use a version intended for an earlier operating system.
This provides better compatibility because there are always significant differences from one major system version to another, although these may not be apparent to the average user.
Titanium Software has discontinued developing the old versions and will no longer update them.
To uninstall an application downloaded from this website, open the application and choose Help > Uninstall [app name]. In the confirmation message that appears, click the Continue button. This will remove the application and the components created while installing and using the application. Empty the Trash to finish the operation.